    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>新利18体育下载官网>新闻资讯集装箱定制房需要参考哪些技术标准
    集装箱定制房需要参考哪些技术标准 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2023-05-18
    越来越多的人都看好集装箱的未来发展趋势,许多高质量的集装箱房在各行各业中发挥了不可或缺的重要作用,给人们生活也带来了不少的便利,那么 济南集装箱定制房需要参考哪些技术标准呢?
    More and more people are optimistic about the future development trend of containers. Many high-quality container houses have played an indispensable and important role in various industries, bringing a lot of convenience to people's lives. So what technical standards should Jinan container customized houses refer to?
    Containers themselves have the characteristics of low cost, short construction time, and being detachable, while also being limited by objective conditions such as space and materials. However, when designing buildings, the advantages and disadvantages of container module tools should be fully considered to maximize their advantages.
    The container unit can be relocated as a whole, and the assembly and disassembly of container buildings are convenient, especially suitable for building types with limited service life and the need to change locations; The main structural units of this type of building are composed of high-strength steel, which is sturdy and durable with strong seismic, compressive, and deformation resistance capabilities;
    Good sealing performance and strict manufacturing process make this movable building have good water tightness; The structural weight is lighter than that of concrete and brick concrete structures, requiring less energy consumption for construction. At the same time, it has superior performance, stability, and good seismic resistance.
    Most of the components of container buildings can be recycled and reused, greatly reducing the generation of construction waste and achieving low-carbon and environmental protection.
    01 材料要求
    01 Material requirements
    Different materials of container houses can bring different levels of comfort. Container customization can be achieved based on the actual needs of customers. From the statistical information of a large number of container customization, the vast majority of container houses are made of cotton colored steel plates.
    02 要求
    02 Environmental requirements
    Modern times are an era of environmental protection and efficiency, and in terms of research and production, it is gradually inclined to produce environmentally friendly products. The environmental protection of customized container houses is multifaceted, on the one hand due to their own material usage, and on the other hand due to their environmental impact on the building.
    03 做工要求
    03 Workmanship requirements
    The doors of container houses need to withstand greater pressure and use higher strength materials to ensure that the doors do not deform. The floor of the house should be kept in the splicing position, and assembly and disassembly blocks should be maintained, and markings should be made during the manufacturing process. In addition, exhaust fans and side drains need to be reserved in locations such as toilets, kitchens, and toilets to improve livability.
    04 电力要求
    04 Power Requirements
    Electrical layout is very important for container houses. It is recommended to customize by manufacturers with rich technical experience in order to better complete the layout of relevant electrical requirements.
    集装箱房不仅可以充分发挥其容量大的优势,还可以根据需求数量增加单双人床位,减少了居住成本投入。您有定制需求随时来联系我们 //www.arapidia.com
    Container houses not only fully utilize their advantages of large capacity, but also increase the number of single or double beds according to demand, reducing the investment in living costs. Feel free to contact us if you have any customization needs //www.arapidia.com !