    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>新利18体育下载官网>新闻资讯关于打包箱房屋,您可能有的3个误区
    关于打包箱房屋,您可能有的3个误区 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2023-04-26
    近几年打包箱房屋正在一步步取代活动板房,被临建行业所推崇。见证了打包箱房屋的优势,很多人觉得也许有打包箱房屋会成为传统房屋的取代品。但是还有一些人觉得 济南打包箱房并不是时尚而是垃圾,那到底是怎样的误解产生这样的认知呢?你是否也有这样的误解,来看一下吧。
    In recent years, packaged box houses have gradually replaced prefabricated houses and are highly regarded by the construction industry. Having witnessed the advantages of box houses, many people believe that one day, box houses may become a substitute for traditional houses. But there are still some people who believe that Jinan packaged box houses are not fashionable but garbage. So what kind of misunderstanding has led to this perception? Do you also have such misunderstandings? Let's take a look.
    Myth 1: Packaging box houses are not durable
    The initial design of the packaging room comes from containers, which are designed to keep the goods intact during long-distance transportation. In order to protect goods from extreme weather or other adverse factors on the road, the quality requirements of containers are very high. Therefore, the packaging box house continues all the advantages of a container and is naturally sturdy and durable.
    Myth 2: The cost of packing box houses is high
    Some people believe that packaging box houses can easily be moved from one place to another, so the cost of packaging box houses is definitely high. In fact, this is a complete misunderstanding. The appearance of packaging box houses is simple, and the main structure of the house is completely lower than that of building materials such as bricks and steel. Moreover, if users have low requirements for decoration, they can simply move in with their bags, and there is still a decoration fee left.
    Myth 3: Packaging box houses are both dusty and monotonous
    When it comes to packing box houses, many people believe that they are temporary prefabricated houses on construction sites, which are both rustic and simple. In fact, packing box houses and prefabricated houses are completely different types of temporary buildings. It is deeply loved by architectural designers, who can assemble packaging boxes like building blocks to create various styles of buildings that are unconventional, stylish, and aesthetically pleasing.
    Other understanding items:
    The packaging box introduces a modern design style and develops customized services based on product types and customer satisfaction. The packaging box can be staggered up and down, stretched left and right, and assembled at will to create a large capacity user-friendly house. Adjustable housing bases can also be integrated into different ground regulations.
    The seismic intensity of the packaging box is level 8, the impact strength is level 11, and the service life is about 20 years. It is low-carbon and environmentally friendly, and can be recycled.
    Packaging boxes require a simpler foundation. It can be used as a foundation for bars or docks, or can be placed directly on the ground without the need for a foundation. The floor of the room does not need to be grounded.
    The installation of box houses is convenient and the construction cycle is short. Four employees can install one box within half a day; It can also be transported in full containers and can be reused after being connected to the hydropower project site.
    打包箱房屋为许多在外打拼的年轻人提供了更便宜的住所,更多的可能,所以在未来打包箱房逐步取代传统房成为了一种可能。您有需求就来我们网站 //www.arapidia.com咨询了解吧!
    Box houses provide many young people who are working outside with cheaper housing and more possibilities, so in the future, box houses will gradually replace traditional houses as a possibility. Come to our website if you have any needs //www.arapidia.com Consult and understand!