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    集装箱装柜居然这么多技巧! 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2023-04-24
    一般企业出口时,在进行 济南集装箱的装柜过程中主要担心的是货物数据错误、货物损坏和数据与报关数据不符合,从而导致海关不会放行。因此,在装柜前,发货人、仓库、货代必须协调周到,以避免这种情况的发生。
    When general enterprises export, the main concerns during the loading process of Jinan containers are incorrect cargo data, cargo damage, and data that does not match the customs declaration data, resulting in customs not being able to release them. Therefore, before loading the container, the shipper, warehouse, and freight forwarder must coordinate carefully to avoid this situation.
    1. Goods of different shapes and packaging should not be packed together as much as possible;
    2. Goods that may exude dust, liquid, moisture, odor, etc. from the packaging should not be placed together with other goods as much as possible. If necessary, use canvas, plastic film, or other materials to separate them
    3. Place lightweight goods on top of relatively heavier ones;
    4. Goods with weak packaging strength should be placed on top of goods with strong packaging strength;
    5. Liquid goods and clean goods should be placed under other goods as much as possible;
    6. Goods with sharp corners or protruding parts need to be covered to avoid damage to other goods.
    In addition, there are usually three methods for on-site container loading operations: manual loading, forklift loading and unloading, manual stacking, and mechanical loading. For example, pallet loading and unloading can be done by forklift loading and unloading.
    1. In any case, when loading goods into a container, the weight of the goods inside the container cannot exceed the maximum loading capacity of the container, which is obtained by subtracting the total weight of the container from its own weight. In general, the total weight and self weight are marked on the door of the container.
    2. The unit weight of each container is fixed, so when loading the same type of cargo inside the container, as long as the density of the cargo is known, it can be determined whether it is heavy or light cargo. Cheng Qiwei stated that if the density of the goods is greater than the unit weight of the box, it is considered heavy goods, and vice versa, it is considered light goods. Timely and clear distinction between these two different situations is crucial for improving packing efficiency.
    3. When loading, the load on the bottom of the box should be balanced, and it is strictly prohibited to have the center of gravity of the load deviate from one end.
    4. Avoid generating concentrated loads. When loading heavy goods such as machinery and equipment, the bottom of the box should be covered with lining materials such as wooden boards to disperse the load as much as possible.
    5. When using manual loading, attention should be paid to whether there are loading and unloading instructions such as "not to invert", "flat", and "vertical" on the packaging. Be sure to use the loading tools correctly, and it is prohibited to use hand hooks for bundled goods. The goods inside the box should be neatly loaded and tightly stacked. Goods that are prone to loose bundling and fragile packaging should be cushioned or plywood inserted between the goods to prevent them from moving inside the box.
    6. When loading pallet cargo, it is necessary to accurately grasp the internal dimensions of the container and the external dimensions of the cargo packaging, in order to calculate the number of loaded pieces and achieve the goal of minimizing waste and loading more cargo as much as possible.
    In addition, forklifts with a normal lifting capacity of 2 tons are generally used, and their free lifting height is about 1250px. But there is also a fully free lifting forklift, which is not affected by the lifting height of the gantry as long as the height inside the box allows, and can easily stack two layers of goods. In addition, it should also be noted that there should be wooden mats placed under the goods to ensure that the forks can be pulled out smoothly.
    货物好不要裸装,起码要有包装,不要一味的为节省空间而导致货物受损。一般的货物也都会有包装,只有比如大件的机器如锅炉、建材之类的会比较麻烦,必须要捆扎、绑紧以防止松动。其实只要仔细认真,也不会出太大的问题。更多相关内容就来我们网站 //www.arapidia.com咨询!
    Goods should not be packed naked, at least they should have packaging, and should not be damaged solely to save space. General goods also come with packaging, but large machines such as boilers and building materials are more troublesome and must be tied tightly to prevent loosening. In fact, as long as you are careful and serious, there won't be too big a problem. For more related content, come to our website //www.arapidia.com consulting service