    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>新利18体育下载官网>新闻资讯集装箱运输经济效益高主要体现哪里?
    集装箱运输经济效益高主要体现哪里? 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2023-04-03
    传统的运输方式具有装卸环节多、劳动强度大、装卸效率低、船舶周转慢等缺点。而集装箱运输完全改变了这种状况,下面 济南集装箱厂家为你分析:
    Traditional transportation methods have many shortcomings such as multiple loading and unloading links, high labor intensity, low loading and unloading efficiency, and slow ship turnover. Container transportation has completely changed this situation. Below is an analysis by Jinan container manufacturer:
    (1) The loading and unloading of ordinary cargo ships is generally around 35t per hour, while the loading and unloading of containers can reach around 400t per hour, greatly improving the loading and unloading efficiency. At the same time, due to the high degree of mechanization of container handling, the number of stevedores required for each shift is small, and the average labor productivity of each worker is greatly improved.
    (2) Due to the high efficiency of container loading and unloading, and the small impact of climate, the time of ships staying in port is greatly shortened, resulting in shorter ship voyage times, faster ship turnover, and greatly improved navigation rates. As a result, ship production efficiency is improved, which improves the ship's transportation capacity. Without increasing the number of ships, more traffic can be completed, increasing the revenue of the shipping company, which leads to high energy efficiency and high energy efficiency.
    Although container transportation is a high energy efficiency mode of transportation, it is also a highly capital intensive industry.
    (1) Shipping companies must invest heavily in ships and containers. According to relevant data, the cost per cubic foot of container ships is about 3.7 to 4 times that of ordinary cargo ships. The investment in containers is quite large, and the high investment required to carry out container transportation makes the fixed cost account for a significant proportion of the total cost of shipping companies, reaching over two-thirds.
    (2) The investment in ports in container transportation is also considerable. The wharf facilities of dedicated container berths include the wharf shoreline and apron, freight yards, freight stations, maintenance workshops, control towers, gatehouses, and container handling machinery, which are costly.
    (3) In order to carry out container multimodal transport, it is necessary to have corresponding internal facilities and inland freight stations. In order to support the construction, it is necessary to build, expand, transform, and update existing highways, railways, bridges, culverts, etc. The investment in this area is even more amazing.
    集装箱运输涉及面广、环节多、影响大,是一个复杂的运输系统工程。集装箱运输系统包括海运、陆运、空运、港口、货运站以及与集装箱运输有关的海关、商检、船舶代理公司、货运代理公司等单位和部门。您有疑惑或者需求欢迎来我们网站 //www.arapidia.com咨询看看吧!
    Container transportation involves a wide range of aspects, multiple links, and significant impact, which is a complex transportation system engineering. The container transport system includes maritime transport, land transport, air transport, ports, freight stations, customs, commodity inspection, shipping agent agents, freight forwarders and other units and departments related to container transport. If you have any doubts or needs, please come to our website //www.arapidia.com Consult and have a look!