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    集装箱非正常损坏的表现 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2023-02-28
    集装箱在使用周转过程中,或多或少会造成箱损,影响航线正常用箱。那么 济南集装箱非正常损坏的表现是怎样的呢?
    During the use and turnover of containers, they will more or less cause damage to the containers and affect the normal use of containers on the route. So what is the performance of abnormal damage of Jinan container?
    1、 Abnormal damage of container:
    The damage to the F cargo box, the refrigerator box and the unit caused by the impact of external forces, the accident during the haulage, the falling of the lifting, the improper loading and unloading of the container or the damage of the cargo itself are all abnormal damages. The damage caused by improper packing and unpacking or the reason of the goods itself is common. The customer's packing is the key to minimize the damage.
    1. At present, many shippers are overweight, which is not conducive to safe operation. Common cases of container damage include floor breakage, container bottom frame sinking and deformation, and serious cases of top beam breaking during lifting, which will cause great damage to goods, equipment and personnel. Therefore, container management agents at all ports should actively publicize and explain to customers. In any case, the weight of the loaded goods should not exceed the maximum load capacity of the container, and the maximum load capacity (PAYL0AD, NETWEGHT) of the container should be marked on the container door, The special box without box door is marked on the rear corner column or lower bottom beam.
    2. When loading, the load at the bottom of the box shall be balanced, and the load shall not be biased at one end or one side, especially when the center of gravity of the goods is biased at one end. To avoid causing concentrated load, such as loading heavy goods such as machinery and equipment, the bottom of the box should be padded with wood and other materials to disperse the load as much as possible.
    3. When loading manually, try to avoid dragging, use the loading tools correctly, and avoid damage to the goods and the floor. Loading and unloading with fork truck will be limited by the free lifting height and gantry height of fork truck. If conditions permit, two layers can be installed at a time, but there should be about 20MM clearance above and about 100MM clearance below.
    If conditions do not permit -- two layers at a time, when loading the second layer in the box, the free lifting height of the forklift truck and the possible lifting height of the loading and unloading door frame H should be taken into account. At this time, H should be the height of the second layer of cargo minus the free lifting height to avoid damage to the top of the box. In addition, pay attention to the fact that if there is no skid under the goods, it is necessary to add another skid so that the fork can be pulled out smoothly to avoid damaging the goods and the floor.
    4. Liquid goods and polluting goods shall be loaded under other goods as far as possible. Goods that may leak dust, liquid, moisture, odor and other goods from the package should not be packed with other goods as far as possible. If they have to be mixed, they should be completely separated with canvas, plastic film or other liner materials. The floor should also be paved with liner materials to avoid damage to the floor that cannot be cleaned. The cost of replacing the floor will reach hundreds of dollars, bringing unnecessary losses.
    5. Reasonable binding shall be carried out after loading to avoid damage to the goods and the box due to shaking during transportation.
    6. The refrigerated box is strictly a heat preservation box, and the temperature of the frozen goods is very important. Therefore, the refrigerated goods should also be properly precooled to avoid affecting the refrigeration effect due to frost and other reasons after packing. When packing, the refrigerator should be stopped to prevent too much condensate from affecting the evaporator. The correct loading method should be selected according to the nature of the goods and the packaging shape. When loading, it must be noted that the goods can not block the ventilation pipe, and the top part of the box must be left with a gap to enable the air to circulate effectively and not exceed the warning line. It is strictly forbidden to put the goods that have decreased the freshness or have deteriorated and smelled into the box, otherwise other goods will be damaged soon.
    7. The truck must be equipped with a 220/380V generator. Pay attention to the condition of the box when picking up the box, and carry out the power transmission operation to ensure that the qualified box is delivered. After the goods are packed, the cold box must be continuously energized to ensure that the temperature of the box meets the set temperature. If there is any problem with the box or refrigeration machine, contact the container yard or local container management agent in time.
    8. For special goods that are easy to damage and pollute the box, such as coil steel, marble, scrap metal, log, coal, ore (ore), sugar, starch, etc., the port companies shall comply with the relevant provisions of the company.
    总之从成本控制的角度来分析,如何正确使用集装箱以尽可能的降低残损程度及尽快安排维修使集装箱尽早投入使用是关键。您还有什么问题就来我们网站 //www.arapidia.com咨询吧!
    In a word, from the perspective of cost control, how to use containers correctly to reduce the degree of damage as much as possible and arrange maintenance as soon as possible so that containers can be put into use as soon as possible is the key. If you have any questions, please come to our website //www.arapidia.com Ask!