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    集装箱的种类区分和介绍 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2023-02-25
    集装箱运输的不断发展,为适应装载不同种类货物的需要,因而出现了不同种类的集装箱。今天 济南集装箱厂家和大家一起来总结一下。
    With the continuous development of container transportation, in order to meet the needs of loading different kinds of goods, different types of containers have emerged. Today, the Jinan container manufacturer will come to sum up with you.
    Classification by material used
    According to the material used for the main parts of the box (side wall, end wall, top of the box, etc.), the container is called the container made of the same material. According to the classification of the materials used, the container can be divided into three types:
    (1) Aluminum alloy container has the advantages of light weight, beautiful appearance, corrosion resistance, good elasticity, convenient processing, low processing and repair costs, and long service life; The disadvantages are high cost and poor welding performance;
    (2) Steel container has the advantages of high strength, firm structure, high weldability, good water tightness and low price; The disadvantages are heavy weight and poor corrosion resistance;
    (3) Glass fiber reinforced plastic container has the advantages of high strength, good rigidity, large content, good heat insulation, corrosion resistance, chemical resistance, easy cleaning and easy repair; The disadvantages are large weight, easy aging and low strength at the place where bolts are screwed.
    Classification by structure
    Containers can be divided into three categories according to their structure:
    (1) The inner and outer column containers mainly refer to aluminum alloy containers, while the inner column container refers to the side column (or end column) located in the inverted wall or end wall; Outer column container means that the side column (or end column) is located outside the inverted wall or end wall;
    (2) Foldable container means that the main components of the container (side wall, end wall and top) can be simply folded or disassembled, and can be easily reassembled when used again;
    (2) The thin shell container is a steel body composed of all parts. Its advantages are light weight and can adapt to the torque without causing permanent deformation.
    Classification by use purpose
    (1) Ordinary container
    General containers, also known as dry containers, are mainly used to carry groceries. They are usually used to carry cultural goods, general merchandise, medicine, textiles, handicrafts, chemical products, hardware and electrical equipment, electronic machinery, instruments and machine parts. Such containers account for 70~80% of the total number of containers. In addition to frozen goods, live animals and plants, dry containers can be used for goods suitable for container transportation in terms of size and weight.
    (2) Refrigerated container
    There are two types of reefer container: external and internal. The temperature can be adjusted between - 60 ℃~+30 ℃. The built-in container can start the refrigerator at will during transportation to keep the container at the specified temperature; The external type must rely on the refrigerator equipped on the special container vehicle, ship, special storage yard and station for refrigeration. This box is suitable for transporting butter, chocolate, frozen fish, condensed milk, margarine and other items in summer.
    (3) Open-top container
    Open-top container, also known as open-top container or open-top container, has no top, but has a canopy made of canvas, plastic cloth or plastic-coated cloth supported by a folding top beam. The goods can be loaded and unloaded from the top of the container by a crane. The top of the open-top container can be opened or has no fixed surface. The top of the container is covered with waterproof cloth during shipment, and its watertight requirements are the same as those of the dry container. It is suitable for loading heavy goods such as glass plates, steel products and machinery. wait.
    集装箱的成功在于其产品的标准化以及由此建立的一整套运输体系,能够让一个载重几十吨的庞然大物实现标准化。您有使用需求就来我们网站 //www.arapidia.com进行咨询吧!
    The success of container lies in the standardization of its products and the set of transportation system established thereby, which can standardize a huge object with a load of dozens of tons. Come to our website if you need to use it //www.arapidia.com Consult!