    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>新利18体育下载官网>新闻资讯该如何预防集装箱生锈?
    该如何预防集装箱生锈? 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2022-03-08
    随着社会的快速发展趋势,越来越多的便捷住房受到了大家的青睐! 在此阶段,临时建筑物数量更多的是类似新利18的体育平台 ,易于安装,彩色钢板房屋占据了90%以上的市场。 另外,类似新利18的体育平台 被普遍的应用,因此每个人都知道如何检查和验收类似新利18的体育平台 ? 让我们一起了解下:
    With the rapid development trend of society, more and more convenient houses are favored by everyone! At this stage, the largest number of temporary buildings are residential containers, which are easy to install. Color steel plate houses occupy more than 90% of the market. In addition, residential containers are widely used, so everyone knows how to check and accept residential containers? Let's understand:
    1、外观:要观察外观,房屋的外部设计必须没有明显的凹坑,并且类似新利18的体育平台 本身的颜色必须一致。
    1. Appearance: To observe the appearance, the exterior design of the house must have no obvious pits, and the color of the living container itself must be consistent.
    2. Fire protection performance: it is mainly to check whether the cables in the room are exposed outside rather than secretly placed in the fire pipe, whether the inner and outer double-layer white iron sheets of rock wool color steel plate are broken, and there is no need to expose the thermal insulation layer in the middle.
    3、其他:看一下空隙,类似新利18的体育平台 的板墙、门、窗与零部件安装后不可出現缝隙。
    3. Others: look at the gap. There shall be no gap between the plate wall, door, window and parts of the container.
    4、是门窗的推拉门是否灵活。 如果出现松动之类的问题,则必须立即进行调整。 更终您必须查看集装箱的平坦屋顶,窗户,门和墙壁,并且路面上没有渗水。
    4. It is whether the sliding doors of doors and windows are flexible. If problems such as looseness occur, it must be adjusted immediately. Finally, you must check the flat roof, windows, doors and walls of the container, and there is no water seepage on the road.
    您无需在通常居住的房屋中考虑此问题,但是对于诸如集装箱之类的产品而言,会出现此问题,但是无论它是哪种产品,都存在常见故障的问题,每个人都遇到问题。 在遇到问题之前或之后,必须立即问题,以免延误后一半的使用,如何防止容器生锈? 让我们一起了解下:
    You don't need to consider this problem in your usual house, but for products such as containers, this problem will occur, but no matter what kind of product it is, there are common problems and everyone has problems. Before or after encountering the problem, the problem must be solved immediately to avoid delaying the use of the second half. How to prevent the container from rusting? Let's understand:
    1. Air tight outer wall:
    每个人都知道,长时间暴露在潮湿的室外地理环境中,钢铁材料容易生锈。 由轻钢结构制成的集装箱在整个使用过程中很容易显示此问题。 因此,如果您想从根本上防止有害物质生锈,则相关投资者可以听取有关气密外墙方法的意见,以防止室外湿气进入房屋。
    Everyone knows that steel materials are easy to rust when exposed to humid outdoor geographical environment for a long time. Containers made of light steel structure can easily show this problem in the whole process of use. Therefore, if you want to fundamentally prevent the rusting of harmful substances, relevant investors can listen to the opinions on the methods of air tight exterior walls to prevent outdoor moisture from entering the house.
    2. For waterproof products:
    许多社会发展意识形态都希望在去其他地方时选择搬进集装箱。 频繁的交通流量实际上将导致集装箱。 体内水分的积累。 此时,用户规定应使用某些防水产品,例如将一些防水隔热材料放入集装箱内,以防止潮气侵入。
    Many social development ideologies want to choose to move into containers when going to other places. Frequent traffic flow will actually lead to container. The accumulation of water in the body. At this time, the user specifies that some waterproof products should be used, such as putting some waterproof and thermal insulation materials into the container to prevent moisture intrusion.
    3. Regular wall maintenance:
    锈蚀可以说是危害集装箱使用寿命的先决条件。 即使用户遵循以上两个操作来操作该过程,他也无法防止集装箱100%生锈。 如果发现集装箱的壁在关键结构上可能会生锈,则用户应立即对其进行防锈处理和油漆保养。
    Corrosion can be said to be a prerequisite for endangering the service life of containers. Even if the user follows the above two operations to operate the process, he cannot prevent the container from 100% rusting. If it is found that the wall of the container may rust on the key structure, the user should immediately carry out anti rust treatment and paint maintenance.