    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>新利18体育下载官网>新闻资讯定制济南集装箱房屋的几大要求是什么?
    定制济南集装箱房屋的几大要求是什么? 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2021-05-21
    As a temporary building, container house is widely used in many projects. With the improvement of design and manufacturing level, its safety and comfort are gradually improved. The concept of using container houses has been gradually recognized by the society, and the utilization rate has been greatly improved. At present, the domestic demand for container houses is temporary buildings in the construction industry and urban rail transit construction sites, which are used for workers' dormitories, offices, canteens and warehouses.
    In the past, small angle steel tents were used to build simple huts in the north, while bamboo huts were used in the south. Nowadays, more and more light steel composite houses are used, and they are being built. Almost all the temporary houses on the construction site and urban rail transit construction site are light steel composite houses. According to the analysis, more and more people begin to accept the container house gradually, and many excellent container board houses play an indispensable role in various industries. Some customers will also customize container houses of different styles and specifications separately. What are the major requirements for customized container houses?
    1: Material requirements
    Different materials of the container room will bring different comfort, so we can customize the container room according to the actual needs of customers. Some customers use the container room as a mobile RV. According to a large number of customized statistics, most container houses are made of cotton sheet steel, and galvanized square steel pipe can be considered as the location of keel around the ceiling and floor.
    2: Environmental requirements
    Modern society is an era of environmental protection and high efficiency, which has been put into practice in social practice. In terms of R & D and production, it also gradually prefers the production of environmental protection products. The environmental protection of container houses is multifaceted. On the one hand, it is the use of its own materials, on the other hand, it is the environmental impact of buildings. Needless to say the former, the latter means that it will not cause any pollution to the environment when it is used, and will not produce pollution or harmful substances in the construction process. Traditional houses do not have this kind of environmental protection.
    3: Node process requirements
    The door of the container room needs to bear more pressure, and must use high-strength materials to ensure that the door does not deform; The floor of the room shall be kept at the splicing position of the assembly and disassembly blocks, and the position shall be marked during the production process; Color steel plate can be used for indoor and outdoor decoration. In addition, the toilet, kitchen, bathroom, etc. need to retain the location of the exhaust fan and side drain, in order to improve the adaptability of life.