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    集装箱房屋小知识,你要的全都有! 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2019-06-01
    集装箱房,又称集装箱活动房、类似新利18的体育平台 ,是指主要以集装箱为基础材料,经过改造而成为有窗有门的简易居所。集装箱是具有一定强度、刚度和规格的大型装货容器。尺寸与建筑房间接近,长度主要是6m和12m两种,高度约2.5m,宽度2.4m。人们对集装箱进行改装,开门开窗并进行内装修,再配上床、沙发等家具和电器设备,将其改造成集装箱房子。这样的集装箱房子与我们平常住的房子几乎没差别。下面济南类似新利18的体育平台 厂家就给大家介绍一下集装箱房屋的一些小知识,希望对对大家有所帮助!
    Container room, also known as container movable room and residential container, refers to the simple residence with windows and doors, which is mainly based on containers. Container is a large container with certain strength, stiffness and specifications. The size is close to the building room. The length is mainly 6 m and 12 M. The height is about 2.5 m and the width is 2.4 M. People refitted containers, opened doors and windows, and interior decoration, then equipped with beds, sofas and other furniture and electrical equipment, to transform them into container houses. Such container houses are almost the same as the houses we usually live in. Next, Jinan resident container manufacturer will introduce to you some knowledge of container houses, hoping to be helpful to you all!
    Classification of Container Buildings
    在国外诸如美国、英国、荷兰等,集装箱住房已经广泛应 用于私人住宅、办公室、过渡性住房等诸多领域,甚还出现了集装箱街区和集装箱城,并且得到大众的普遍认同与接受。
    In foreign countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and so on, container housing has been widely used in private housing, office, transitional housing and many other fields, and even container blocks and container cities have emerged, and has been widely recognized and accepted by the public.
    Advantages of Container Housing
    1. Convenient transportation, especially suitable for units that often change construction sites.
    2. Strong and durable, all composed of steel, stable and firm, good seismic performance. It has strong anti-deformation ability, good sealing performance and strict manufacturing process make this kind of movable room have good water tightness.
    3. Develop individualized art by making use of the characteristics of individualized creation. Make it personalized, in line with personal characteristics and pursuit.
    Fourth, the movable room is based on the standard steel chassis, which can derive a lot of combination space. Such as conference room dormitory, kitchen, bathroom, etc. The standard width is 2.4 meters, the height is 2.2 meters, and the length is 4 meters to 12 meters.
    5. Convenient disassembly and assembly, superior performance and light weight. The house is an integral structure with a frame inside and steel walls. It can be decorated with wooden boards. It can be moved as a whole and its service life can reach more than 20 years.
    6. Good quality and low price, reusable. Recycling an old container saves 1.7 tons of steel and 0.4 cubic meters of wood and 3.49 tons of carbon dioxide. If 100,000 waste containers are used in one year, 349,000 tons of carbon dioxide can be reduced and 340 million kilowatt-hours of electricity can be saved. Container module technology can reduce construction time by 50%.
    以上的精彩内容由 济南类似新利18的体育平台 厂家友情提供,更多的精彩内容请继续关注我们: //www.arapidia.com,我们会有更多的精彩内容等你查看!
    The above wonderful content is provided by Jinan Resident Container Manufacturer Friendship, more wonderful content please continue to pay attention to us: //www.arapidia.com, we will have more wonderful content waiting for you to see!