    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>新利18体育下载官网>新闻资讯类似新利18的体育平台 的夏季防火注意事项
    类似新利18的体育平台 的夏季防火注意事项 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2019-03-16
    济南类似新利18的体育平台作为一种暂时建筑,由于其挪动便当,外形美观耐用,室内保温性能较好的特性,而遭到了人们的喜爱,被普遍用于各种工程工地的配套用房,灾区暂时用房等。但是,随着济南类似新利18的体育平台 的大量运用,每年随之发作不少火灾。因而,济南类似新利18的体育平台 的消防平安不容无视。
    As a temporary building, Jinan residential containers are popular because of their convenient movement, beautiful appearance and durable, good indoor thermal insulation performance. They are widely used in supporting housing of various engineering sites, temporary housing in disaster areas and so on. However, with the extensive use of residential containers in Jinan, many fires occur every year. Therefore, the fire safety of residential containers in Jinan can not be ignored.
    在市场上,大局部的济南类似新利18的体育平台 采用的是外层彩色涂层钢板和芯材EPS或者聚氨酯组成的彩钢夹芯板,其外层普通为烘烤涂装型的镀锌钢板,而芯材EPS是一种密闭孔构造的硬质泡沫塑料,它是由黏状聚苯乙烯颗粒发泡制成,其燃点低,较易熄灭且生成烟气大,毒性高。加之彩钢板传热系数大,耐火性能差,当遇到高温或芯材EPS暴露接触到火源时,就很容易被点燃。从而产生烟囱效应横向蔓延,火灾风险性极大。另外,私拉乱接电线,或电线敷设不按标准停止,运用大功率电器,随地乱扔烟头号都很容易惹起火灾的发作。要预防火灾,就要从以下几方面做起;
    In the market, most of Jinan residential containers are made of color steel sandwich panels consisting of outer coated steel sheet and core material EPS or polyurethane. The outer layer is generally baked galvanized steel sheet, while the core material EPS is a rigid foam plastic with closed pore structure. It is made of sticky polystyrene particles, which has low ignition point, easy extinguishing and produces smoke and toxicity. Sex is high. In addition, the color steel plate has large heat transfer coefficient and poor fire resistance. When it is exposed to high temperature or core material EPS, it is easy to ignite. As a result, the chimney effect spreads horizontally and the fire risk is extremely high. In addition, it is very easy to cause fire by indiscriminately connecting wires or laying wires not in accordance with the standard, using high-power electrical appliances and throwing cigarette ends everywhere. To prevent fire, we should start from the following aspects.
    1. Carefully implement the compulsory system of fire safety, enhance users'awareness of fire safety, do a good job in fire safety training, and improve awareness of fire safety maintenance.
    2.增强济南类似新利18的体育平台 的日常消防平安管理,板房内制止运用大功率电器,分开房间时应及时断掉一切电源。制止在房间内运用明火,制止将济南类似新利18的体育平台 作为厨房,配电房,易燃易爆品库房。
    2. Strengthen the daily fire safety management of residential containers in Jinan, stop the use of high-power electrical appliances in board rooms, and cut off all power supply in time when separating rooms. Stop using open fire in the room, stop using Jinan residential container as kitchen, distribution room, inflammable and explosive warehouse.
    3. The laying of electrical wiring must meet the requirements of the standard. All wiring should be laid plainly and covered with flame retardant tubes. Lamps and walls should be kept at safe intervals. Lighting fluorescent lamp uses electronic ballast type, can not use coil inductance ballast. When the wire passes through the wall of the color steel sandwich panel, it must be covered with a non-combustible plastic pipe. Every slab house should also be equipped with qualified leakage maintenance installation and short circuit overload switch.
    4. When the board room is used as a dormitory, doors and windows should be opened outwards, and the beds should not be placed too densely, leaving a safe passage. Equipped with sufficient number of fire extinguishers, install indoor hydrants, and ensure that water flow and pressure reach the request.
    以上精彩内容由济南鹏凯集装箱友情提供,了解更多关于 济南类似新利18的体育平台的详细情况,请到我们的官网: //www.arapidia.com
    The above wonderful contents are provided by Jinan Pengkai Container Friendship. For more details about Jinan resident containers, please visit our website: //www.arapidia.com.