    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>新利18体育下载官网>技术资讯使用工地类似新利18的体育平台 的注意事项和防火要点
    使用工地类似新利18的体育平台 的注意事项和防火要点 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2023-06-28
    工地类似新利18的体育平台 是一种能够居住的可移动房屋,临建产品的修建模式多样化成为房子修建业发展的新思路,陆续给人们展现了低碳的性能特点。我们在使用工地类似新利18的体育平台 时候的注意事项和防火事项是什么呢?下面 济南类似新利18的体育平台厂家为您分析:
    The construction site resident container is a movable house that can be inhabited, and the diversification of construction models for temporary construction products has become a new idea for the development of the housing construction industry, gradually demonstrating the performance characteristics of low-carbon and environmental protection to people. What are the precautions and fire prevention measures when using on-site personnel containers? Below is an analysis by the Jinan resident container manufacturer:
    1. Equipped with complete firefighting facilities.
    2、类似新利18的体育平台 房屋的周边应设有消防通道。
    2. There should be fire exits around the residential container houses.
    3. Fire separation distance: The distance from the warehouse of flammable and explosive hazardous materials should be greater than 25m.
    4. When used as a dormitory, the fire resistance rating is Level 3, with a large number of 2 floors and a large allowable area of 1200 square meters per floor.
    5. Integrated houses arranged in combination, with no more than 10 buildings in each group, and the spacing between each building shall not be less than 3. 5m, not less than 10m between groups;
    6、工地类似新利18的体育平台 的间距、消防通道的布置、防火间距、消防楼梯的数量与布置,灭火器的布置位置与数量等均符合相关要求。
    6. The spacing between residential containers on the construction site, the layout of fire exits, fire separation distance, the number and arrangement of fire stairs, and the location and quantity of fire extinguishers all comply with relevant requirements.
    7. Safe evacuation: When the container room is on two floors, two evacuation stairs should be set up; The width of evacuation stairs and corridors should not be less than 1m; The height of the outer corridor railing from the ground should not be less than 1. 05m.
    类似新利18的体育平台 的注意事项:
    Precautions for Residential Containers:
    1. Do not make arbitrary changes
    工地类似新利18的体育平台 安装完整之后,不要任意或试图拆卸任何一个螺丝及部件;非人员不得改变板房的任何结构。
    After the installation of the residential container on the construction site is complete, do not arbitrarily or attempt to disassemble any screws or components; Non professional personnel are not allowed to change any structure of the prefabricated house.
    2. Maintenance work
    The load value per square meter of the floor of a container house shall not exceed the static load and load standards specified in the contract. Please do not jump or run upstairs. Please gently push and close the doors and windows when using them. Users are not encouraged to set up kitchens in outdoor activity rooms. If it is necessary to set up kitchens in activity rooms, please install range hoods and ensure that the fire source is no less than 50cm away from the wall.
    3. Protective work
    The indoor floor needs to be 50mm higher than the outdoor floor, and the outdoor drainage ditch should also be repaired; Some steel components of container houses are prone to corrosion during daily use and exposure to sunlight and rain. We need to regularly carry out maintenance work such as rust removal, painting, and refurbishment on these steel components to ensure the service life and aesthetics of the integrated house.
    使用工地类似新利18的体育平台 的注意事项和防火要点相关内容就讲解到这里了,希望能够给您好的帮助,更多事项就来我们网站 //www.arapidia.com咨询吧!
    That's all we need to know about the precautions and fire prevention points when using residential containers on construction sites. We hope this can be helpful for you. For more information, please visit our website //www.arapidia.com Consult!