    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>新利18体育下载官网>技术资讯使用类似新利18的体育平台 就要提前了解这些!
    使用类似新利18的体育平台 就要提前了解这些! 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2023-06-01
    Everyone should be familiar with houses because we come into contact with them every day. Nowadays, there are many types of houses in society, and each type of method has its own characteristics. Therefore, the maintenance and upkeep of houses in daily life are also different.
    其实 济南类似新利18的体育平台自身平滑,脏了清洗十分简单,擦擦或者用水冲洗就能,而其他方面的保养,是我们需要注意的,类似新利18的体育平台 会重复多次使用,保养的越好,使用的时间越长,相对而言越。
    In fact, Jinan resident containers are smooth and easy to clean if they are dirty. Wiping or rinsing with water can solve the problem, while other aspects of maintenance need to be noted. Resident containers will be reused multiple times, and the better the maintenance, the longer the use time, and the safer the relative safety.
    类似新利18的体育平台 是采用轻钢结构体系,墙面覆以复合EPS墙板等等,当然它的墙面可以是多种多样的,但是一般都是有轻钢结构体系的,防腐防锈就是应该做的呢,每隔几年建议刷一次漆,那防止它腐蚀。
    The residential container adopts a light steel structure system, with composite EPS wall panels covering the walls, etc. Of course, its walls can be various, but generally there is a light steel structure system, and anti-corrosion and rust prevention should be done. It is recommended to paint every few years to prevent corrosion.
    This not only enhances the aesthetics but also protects the house, as well as the waterproofing measures for the walls. Although it was done particularly well at the beginning of building, it is recommended to regularly check the waterproofing facilities and circuit issues of the house to prevent aging. This not only ensures safety but also protects the moisture-proof function of the house.
    类似新利18的体育平台 系钢构造件整栋衔接,用户安排用电照明装备,电线不能间接绑扎在钢构造上,应设线管或线槽隔离装置,免得发作触电。活动板房在装置完全后,用户不得私自更改构造,不得装配任何螺栓构件,不得增添或增添隔墙。
    The residential container is connected to the entire steel structure, and users arrange for electrical lighting equipment. Wires cannot be indirectly tied to the steel structure, but should be equipped with conduit or trunking isolation devices to prevent electric shock. After the installation of the prefabricated house is complete, users are not allowed to modify the structure without permission, assemble any bolt components, and add or add partitions.
    If changes are necessary, they should be negotiated and coordinated with the corresponding factory. Every time you come to the house, you must cut off all the power supply to avoid unexpected incidents. Do not use high-power appliances, illegal appliances, or use a prefabricated house as a kitchen.
    由于类似新利18的体育平台 的基本结构都是钢结构,所以对它的的除锈工作是非常重要的,要定期对钢材料进行除锈、刷漆等工作,轻钢构造件应在1-2年颐养油漆一次,这样能够维持雅观,使类似新利18的体育平台 色彩鲜艳。更多相关事项就来我们网站 //www.arapidia.com咨询!
    Due to the fact that the basic structure of residential containers is steel, the rust removal work is very important. Regular rust removal and painting work should be carried out on steel materials. Light steel structural components should be painted once every 1-2 years to maintain elegance and make residential containers bright in color. For more related matters, come to our website //www.arapidia.com consulting service