    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>新利18体育下载官网>技术资讯辨别临时类似新利18的体育平台 质量问题的方法
    辨别临时类似新利18的体育平台 质量问题的方法 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2023-03-21
    临时类似新利18的体育平台 由于其应用范围广泛,运输快捷,省时省力,能应用于建筑工地等建设,所以集装箱房屋的质量问题是十分重要的,那么集装箱的质量能够从哪些地方来进行区分呢?下面就由小编来为您介绍一下如何鉴别 济南类似新利18的体育平台活动房的好坏。
    Due to its wide range of applications, fast transportation, time and labor saving, and its ability to be used in construction sites, the quality of temporary residential containers is very important. Where can the quality of containers be distinguished? The editor will introduce how to distinguish the quality of Jinan residential container mobile housing.
    临时类似新利18的体育平台 主要的材料是做框架的槽钢和做墙体天花的夹芯板,这两样材料的质量好坏直接影响集装箱活动房质量的好坏,槽钢的差异主要表现在槽钢厚度的差别上,有的厂家销售的集装箱房屋表面看起来差异不大,但槽钢的厚度却有不同,做出来的集装箱活动房承受度也不同。
    The main materials used for temporary residential containers are channel steel for frames and sandwich panels for walls and ceilings. The quality of these two materials directly affects the quality of the container mobile room. The difference in channel steel is mainly reflected in the difference in thickness of the channel steel. Some manufacturers sell container houses with small differences in surface appearance, but the thickness of the channel steel varies, and the tolerance of the container mobile room produced varies.
    有的类似新利18的体育平台 能够叠三层,可以承受更大的压力,而有的临时类似新利18的体育平台 只能叠两层,承受不了叠三层带来的压力。这就是槽钢厚度不够,接受压力时容易弯曲的原因,这样的集装箱活动房容易变形,影响使用寿命。
    Some residential containers can be stacked in three layers, which can withstand greater pressure, while some temporary residential containers can only be stacked in two layers, which cannot withstand the pressure caused by stacking three layers. This is the reason why the channel steel is not thick enough and is prone to bending when subjected to pressure. Such container mobile houses are prone to deformation and affect their service life.
    This type of container mobile house may not show much change in a short time, but over time, it can lead to deformation, collapse, and other issues, which may endanger the safety of personnel inside the container mobile house. Therefore, there are certain specifications for the selection of channel steel for container houses to ensure safe use, and materials that are lower than the specifications cannot be used due to cost savings.
    The advantage of a large container is its safety performance. The container manufacturer adopts an all-steel structure, and its weight can reach nearly 2 tons. Even strong winds of 6 to 8 can't shake it in the slightest. If you use a color steel movable house, it is likely to be blown down when encountering a force 8 gale.
    In addition, the fireproof performance of container houses is very good. Because they are wrapped with thick steel plates, the insulation layer on the wall will not burn when it catches fire, which can effectively suppress the fire.
    辨别临时类似新利18的体育平台 质量问题的方法相关内容就讲解到这里了,希望能够帮助到您,更多事项就来我们网站 //www.arapidia.com咨询吧!
    This is how to identify quality issues with temporary resident containers. I hope it can help you. For more information, please visit our website //www.arapidia.com Consult!