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    集装箱货物的现场装箱技巧 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2023-03-01
    集装箱货物的现场装箱作业通常有三种方法:即全部用人力装箱、用叉式装卸车(铲车)搬进箱内,再用人力堆装和全部用机械装箱,如货板(托盘)货用叉式装卸车在箱内堆装。那么还有什么装箱技巧要知道呢?下面 济南集装箱厂家为您分析:
    There are usually three methods for the on-site packing of container goods: manual packing, forklift (forklift) loading into the box, manual stacking and mechanical packing, such as pallet (pallet) goods stacking in the box with forklift. What other packing techniques do you need to know? Jinan container manufacturer will analyze for you:
    1. In any case, when the goods are loaded into the container, the weight of the goods in the container cannot exceed the large loading capacity of the container, that is, the total volume of the container minus the dead weight of the container. Generally, the total weight and dead weight will be marked on the door of the container.
    2. The unit volume weight of each container is certain, so when loading the same kind of goods in the container, as long as the density of the goods is known, it can be determined whether it is heavy or light goods. Cheng Qiwei said that if the density of the goods is greater than the unit weight of the box, it is heavy goods, and vice versa, it is light goods. Timely and clearly distinguish these two different situations is very important to improve the packing efficiency.
    3. When loading, the load on the bottom of the box should be balanced, especially when the center of gravity of the load is at one end.
    4. Avoid generating concentrated loads. "For example, when loading heavy goods such as machinery and equipment, the bottom of the box should be paved with wood and other cushioning materials to spread its load as far as possible.
    5. When using manual loading, pay attention to whether there are loading and unloading instructions such as "not upside down", "flat" and "vertical" on the package. Be sure to use the loading tool correctly, and it is forbidden to use the hand hook for baling goods. The goods in the box shall be loaded neatly and tightly. For goods that are easy to be loose and fragile, use a liner or insert plywood between the goods to prevent the goods from moving in the box.
    6. When loading pallets, the internal dimensions of the container and the external dimensions of the cargo package should be accurately grasped, so as to calculate the number of loaded pieces, so as to minimize the number of abandoned and loaded goods.
    7. When packing with forklift, it will be limited by the free lifting height of machinery and the height of gantry. Therefore, if conditions permit, the forklift can load two layers at a time, but there must be a certain gap between the top and bottom. If the conditions do not permit loading two layers at a time, when loading the second layer, consider the free lifting height of the forklift truck and the possible lifting height of the forklift door frame. At this time, the lifting height of the gantry should be the height of the first layer of cargo minus the free lifting height, so that the second layer of cargo can be loaded on the upper layer of the third layer of cargo.
    注意,货物好不要裸装,起码要有包装,不要一味的为节省空间而导致货物受损。一般的货物也都会有包装,只有比如大件的机器如锅炉、建材之类的会比较麻烦,必须要捆扎、绑紧以防止松动。其实只要仔细认真,也不会出太大的问题。更多事项就来我们网站 //www.arapidia.com咨询!
    Note that the goods should not be packed naked. At least they should be packed. Do not damage the goods blindly to save space. General goods will also be packed, but only large machines such as boilers and building materials will be more troublesome, and must be bound and fastened to prevent loosening. In fact, as long as you are careful, there will be no big problems. Come to our website for more matters //www.arapidia.com consulting service