    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>新利18体育下载官网>技术资讯集装箱作为住房使用的三大要点
    集装箱作为住房使用的三大要点 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2023-02-24
    集装箱住房使用需要注意的事项很多人都会忽略,那么今天就让 济南集装箱公司详细为大家介绍一下吧!
    Many people will ignore the matters needing attention in the use of container housing, so let Jinan Container Company introduce it to you in detail today!
    1. The container houses should be fixed on the ground as much as possible. Nowadays, many container houses will adopt color steel plate structure for the sake of architectural beauty. The weight of color steel plate mechanism is slightly lighter than that of full steel structure. When using, it is necessary to pay attention to fixing it firmly on the ground through the bottom fixing device to prevent the attack of the storm. Generally speaking, in the inland areas of China, the wind is small, and the container housing can generally withstand the wind blow, but in the coastal cities, typhoons often occur, so the container housing should be reinforced as much as possible.
    2. Pay attention to fire prevention, and do a good job in container housing fire prevention. Usually, pay attention to: first, do not carry out electric welding construction near the wall; Second, certain fire prevention devices shall be used for the use of stoves in container houses in winter; Third, metal pipes or refractory pipes shall be used as far as possible for the internal wiring of container housing, and the wiring shall be grounded; Fourth, for the container housing that needs waterproof treatment, it is prohibited to use flammable materials such as blowtorch in the housing materials.
    3. Note that the multi-layer stack here refers to the stack with more than three or more layers. For some color steel container houses, due to their low quality, multi-layer stacking may pose serious security risks.
    其中多层叠加是可以商榷的点。在现代建筑中,有不少建筑设计师将具有价值的集装箱模块房屋元素加入建筑主体中,有些建筑师会采用多次叠加的方式,不过其叠加通常在集装箱材料选择、工艺方式、受力机构都做了特殊设计。如果实在需要多层叠加以获取一定美观性也可以通过特殊设计完成。有什么疑惑或者需要就来联系我们 //www.arapidia.com吧!
    Among them, multi-layer stacking is the point that can be discussed. In modern architecture, many architectural designers have added valuable container modular building elements to the main body of the building. Some architects will use multiple overlapping methods, but their overlapping usually has made special design in the selection of container materials, process methods, and stress mechanism. If it is really necessary to stack multiple layers to obtain a certain aesthetic quality, it can also be completed through special design. Contact us if you have any doubts or need //www.arapidia.com Come on!