    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>新利18体育下载官网>技术资讯集装箱在物流业的应用标准
    集装箱在物流业的应用标准 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2019-03-28
    物流中常运用集装箱运输,由于集装箱不只能使物品保管完好,而且能够经得起风吹雨打,所以选择集装箱是可取的行为,今天济南类似新利18的体育平台 就浅谈一下物流中集装箱的需求特征。
    Container transportation is often used in logistics. Because containers can not only keep goods in good condition, but also withstand the wind and rain, it is advisable to choose containers. Today, Jinan resident containers talk about the characteristics of container demand in logistics.
    1. Normative differences
    世界有特地对集装箱的分歧规范,济南类似新利18的体育平台 剖析这是为了进出口贸易的运送工具的便利。分歧的类型能够使得,集装箱的装运愈加简单,愈加便利。集装箱分析也能够平安的在运送途中,停止转运以及应对突发事情。相同的,各个国度和地域也都有着本地的集装箱规范,能够更合理的停止集装箱的运送作业。
    There are different standards for containers in the world. The analysis of residential containers in Jinan is for the convenience of means of transport in import and export trade. Different types of containers can make the shipping of containers simpler and more convenient. Container analysis is also able to safely stop transshipment and deal with emergencies during transit. Similarly, each country and region also has local container specifications, which can more reasonably stop container transportation operations.
    2. Waterproof, fire-proof and fall-proof
    俗话说,水火无情。集装箱在运送途中,有或许遇到的即是大于。类似新利18的体育平台 分析假设集装箱装运的货品正是怕水的,有下起了雨,集装箱不防水很或许形成整批货品悉数丧失。有时分,特别是夏天,行进中简单引发着火现象,集装箱应当确保能够离隔火源,防止货品损伤。假设,运送过程中呈现磕碰现象,集装箱应当确保靠碾压作用强,防止货品被毁。
    As the saying goes, fire and water are merciless. Containers in transit, the most likely encounter is greater than. Resident container analysis assumes that the goods shipped by containers are just afraid of water. It rains, and if the containers are not waterproof, the whole lot of goods may be lost. Sometimes, especially in summer, fire simply occurs while traveling. Containers should ensure that they are insulated from fire sources to prevent damage to goods. Assuming that collisions occur during transportation, containers should ensure that they are strongly compacted to prevent the destruction of goods.
    Containers do not need to be replaced in the process of transportation because of their standardized handling and transportation. They are suitable for various modes of transportation. Container transportation provides convenient and fast door-to-door service. It is efficient in handling, transportation and customs clearance (anti-smuggling/anti-terrorism). It has become an important mode of global transportation. In addition, intermediate and periodic inspections are carried out for container demand in operation. It is precisely because of the particularity of containers that the governments of the Contracting States are required to authorize an organization to stop the inspection and certification of the design, manufacture, inspection and use of containers, while it is customary internationally to inspect the relevant classification societies authorized to inspect containers.
    以上的精彩内容由 济南类似新利18的体育平台友情提供。更多关于集装箱的详情,欢迎收藏我们的官网: //www.arapidia.com谢谢大家的支持!
    The above wonderful content is provided by Jinan Resident Container Friendship. More details about containers are welcome to collect our official website: //www.arapidia.com. Thank you for your support!