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    集装箱如何的进行清洗作业 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2019-01-08
    How to Clean Containers Safely
    类似新利18的体育平台 运用工夫长了,爲了我们的身体安康,需求对其停止清洗。由于集装箱房的特殊性,我们对其清洗时,就不能用平常的清洗办法了,需求特殊的清洗办法,那麼这些办法如何可以平安的清洗呢?想要理解济南集装箱活动房的请看以下的引见吧。
    Resident containers have been in use for a long time. For the sake of our health, we need to stop cleaning them. Because of the particularity of the container room, when we clean it, we can not use the usual cleaning methods. We need special cleaning methods. So how can these methods be safely cleaned? To understand Jinan Container Activity Room, please see the following introduction.
    It is suitable for the cleaning methods of container houses. It can be distinguished as steam cleaning method, chemical cleaning method, manual and mechanical cleaning method.
    蒸汽清洗法是采用低温去脂或,那麼在操作进程中我们应留意对低温损伤的防护。操作人员所用的工具配备及软管契合相关要求;操作所用劳保用品契合锅炉 工劳保用品运用标准;操作范围采用隔离带隔离,避免其别人员人内,并挂标示 牌警示。蒸汽清洗普通对集装箱箱体无损伤,但有能够会招致阀门密封件因热胀冷缩和挤压受力而走漏。
    Steam cleaning method is to use low temperature degreasing or disinfection, so in the process of operation we should pay attention to the protection of low temperature damage. The tools and hoses used by operators meet the relevant requirements; the labor insurance supplies used for operation meet the application standards of boiler industrial labor insurance supplies; and the operation scope is isolated by isolation belt to avoid other personnel, and signs and warnings are displayed. Steam cleaning usually does not damage the container body, but it may cause leakage of valve seals due to thermal expansion, cold contraction and extrusion force.
    Chemical cleaning is the cleaning of epoxy resin, epichlorohydrin and other goods. Cleaning site must be adequately illuminated, road delay. The power supply and lighting power supply are separated, and the power control board is set in the center where the parts are cleaned separately and the operation is convenient. Prepare necessary first aid medicines and labor insurance supplies. Emergency medicines are generally as follows: 2-3% sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate solution; saturated limewater; 1-2% boric acid solution; 1-2% acetic acid or hydrochloric acid solution; distilled water, etc. Labor insurance products include: rubber gloves, aprons; eye protection; task clothes; towels; cotton wool; eyewash appliances and so on. Open fire (such as welding, smoking, heating, etc.) should not be used in chemical cleaning site. To prevent fire and other accidents.
    人工、机械清洗法清洗集装箱需求任务人员进入箱内,由人工应用工具或采用设备停止罐内的清洗。选择人工、机械清洗必需确 定集装箱所装货物对任务人员的危害水平,能否可以经过防护措施防止,否则严 禁选用人工、机械清洗方式。
    Manual and mechanical cleaning method for cleaning containers requires personnel to enter the containers and stop the cleaning of the containers by manual application tools or equipment. To choose manual and mechanical cleaning, it is necessary to determine the harmful level of the cargo loaded by containers to the task personnel, and whether it can be prevented by protective measures. Otherwise, manual and mechanical cleaning methods are strictly prohibited.
    What we need to know is that after the liquidation of the container mobile room, we must collect and dispose of the waste gas, and the waste liquid from the cleaning process.
    综上所述有18luck客服 提供,想了解更多 济南类似新利18的体育平台知识,欢迎关注我们的网站: //www.arapidia.com谢谢支持!
    To sum up all the above-mentioned information provided by Jinan Pengkai Container Co., Ltd., we would like to know more about Jinan's resident containers. Welcome to our website: //www.arapidia.com. Thank you for your support!