    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>新利18体育下载官网>技术资讯类似新利18的体育平台 活动板房分类优势施工特色
    类似新利18的体育平台 活动板房分类优势施工特色 来源://www.arapidia.com时间:2018-10-25
    Classification of container mobile rooms
    集装箱活动房按其结构组成可分为三大类: 类是传统货柜箱改造的集装箱房;第二类是全新焊接箱式活动房;第三类是可拆装箱式活动房。
    Container movable room can be divided into three categories according to its structure: the first is the traditional container room; the second is the new welding box movable room; the third is the removable box movable room.
    The first kind: The container room transformed from traditional containers is the reuse of abandoned containers, which is characterized by being very consolidated and able to withstand greater pressure.
    第二类;全新焊接式活动房就是近几年盛行的类似新利18的体育平台 ,由于它的技能挨近类货柜集装箱,因而也称之为集装箱活动房,这种集装箱房技能规范低于货柜集装箱,特色是运送、装置、移动便利,并且成本较低,寿命在十几年以上,出资回报率较高,运用的规模比较广。
    The second type is the new welding type of activity room is the residential containers prevailing in recent years, because its skills are close to the first type of container containers, so it is also called container activity room, this kind of container room skills specifications lower than container containers, characterized by convenient transportation, installation, mobility, and low cost, life in 10. Over a few years, the rate of return on investment is relatively high, and the scale of application is relatively wide.
    The third kind: The container movable room is between the movable board room and the container room, it first chooses the modular production skill, modularizes a container into the standard spare parts, assembles to the time-sharing reappearance field which needs to use, may speed up the device disassembly speed, may also reduce the transportation cost.
    Container room construction features:
    Container movable room is similar to building high-rise building, it is better to use reinforced concrete to leveling all around and the bottom of the partition wall, and it is more solid; then pillars, using transverse beams to connect the skeleton, upper partition board, external wall board and doors and windows frame; followed by laying the floor, then up a layer, then on the roof truss and roof panels; finally install doors and windows, etc. Pull vertical support. There are sanitary ware, hardware and so on. In fact, this is the light steel structure, similar to the heavy steel structure factory building.
    Container movable room shade project refers to the construction process, after the completion of the previous process, will be the next process to cover up, all can not be inspected after completion of the part, do room decoration, "shade project" is the key, if the "shade project" did not do a good job, the appearance of the decoration is again beautiful, but also futile.
    "Shading Engineering" can be divided into water installations, electrical installations, moisture-proof and waterproof projects. During this period, every item can not be ignored. If any link goes wrong, it may bring severe economic losses and even damage to personal safety. The construction process and material identification of waterproofing works can prevent unnecessary economic losses and damage.
    Composite container workshops adopt the design concept and manufacturing technology of container movable rooms prevailing in the world. They can be used by single container or multiple containers (2-3 stories can be built). Its high thermal insulation performance for outdoor workers to invent an outstanding working and living environment, products are widely used in construction sites and residences, factory buildings, outdoor workplaces, roof additional equipment and other fields.
    全体吊系列集装箱房子选用轻钢结构系统,墙面覆以复合EPS保温墙板。悉数壁板和配件可折叠打包,且装置简略,合适远途很多运送和出口海运。 参阅尺度:(mm)6058*2438*2591 出口进柜尺度相对缩小(5850*2300*2700)。40尺集装箱可装6-8套集装箱房。
    All series container houses are selected with light steel structure system, and the walls are covered with composite EPS thermal insulation wallboard. All the panels and accessories can be folded and packed, and the device is simple and suitable for many shipping and export shipping. Refer to scale: (mm) 6058*2438*2591 export outlet scale is relatively narrow (5850*2300*2700). The 40 foot container can be equipped with 6-8 container houses.
    Roofing, floor and circuit systems are thoroughly pre-fabricated in factories, making on-site devices convenient and convenient, shortening the time distance from building to using. The steel system gives the house an outstanding ability to withstand wind speeds of 120 km/h; the lightweight structure gives the house an outstanding wholeness in the event of earthquake disasters equal to 8 degrees of earthquake intensity. The house can be transported entirely, and can also be compressed and packed to transport a small amount of production at the bottom of the site, and can be used after being transported to the site. The house can be recycled for 20 years without any construction waste. The roof adopts structural waterproofing design to enhance the air tightness and watertightness of the house. When the house is out of factory, it can be used according to the practice, and pick up fitting accessories such as rain mat.
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    This article is organized by Jinan Pengkai Container Co., Ltd. //www.arapidia.com. Friends interested in Jinan resident containers can pay attention to us, and we will provide you with more new knowledge.